Recipe: Summer Salad with Old Winchester

As we head into SLIGHTLY warmer days…
We all start dreaming a little more of spring, summer and lazy, warm evenings. And while salad is not at the top of anyone’s favourite dishes, the sunshine begs for something fresh, crips and tasty.
So, we’ve put together a recipe for the perfect summer salad for you to start practicing in anticipation for BBQ’s, garden get-togethers and summertime lunches.
What you’ll need…
- 4 Red Beetroot (or mix it up with some golden beetroot too)
- A chunk of Old Winchester
- 1 Medium Orange (peeled and segmented)
- Red Onion
- Mixed Leaf/ Rocket
- Mint Leaf
- Balsamic Glaze
- Dash of Oil
- Salt
- Pepper
- Pickle Liquid: 1 Cup Sugar, 1 Cup White Wine Vinegar, 1 Cup Boiled Water

What to do…
- Roast your beetroot until fully cooked. Remove all the skin, cut into similar sized segments to an orange and add to Pickle Liquid.
- Leave your beetroot for a minimum of 24 hours to quick pickle.
- Peel your orange and separate the segments and place to one side.
- Cut the red onion into fine slices and place to one side.
- Toss the leaf, mint, oil, salt and pepper into a mixing bowl and ensure that all the leaf is coated.
- Add your orange, red onion and beetroot.
- Toss the salad and present in a bowl. Dress with balsamic glaze.
- Using a cheese shaver, make small twists/ shavings from the Old Winchester. Scatter these shavings over the salad bowl.
And voila! There you have a simple and utterly delicious summer salad. Be sure to share your pictures and tag us in them, so we can see your creations.
Love Cheese x